Sunday, November 28, 2010

Get Organized: A tribute to Aristotle...and my room.

At the end of last school year, I literally dumped out everything in my closet and all my drawers. It took me a couple days, but I got rid of a bunch of clothes that no longer fit and items that I simply wasn't interested in anymore.
It was shocking to realize that a mere five months can completely disorganize everything in my room. Therefore, I started out my Thanksgiving break to doing a tribute to Aristotle. I did what I managed to do five months earlier. I took out everything in my closet and all my drawers. There wasn't as much STUFF as before, luckiliy, but there was a lot of organizing to do. I spent an entire thirteen and a half hours reorganizing everything.
Before I reorganized, I felt as if my head was as disorganized as my room. I felt that nothing had it's place, and that life was one big mess.
During my reorganization marathon, I felt really disgusted that I had so much stuff. I also felt really frustrated that it got so disorganized from the last time I organized everything. Needless to say, after I gave my self some motivating thoughts, like once it's done you will feel so wonderful, I kept on organizing my cloths and papers and such.
After I reorganized everything, I felt as good as new. I felt so organized, so wonderful, so fresh! The thing I felt the most was freedom. When I am organized for some reason, I feel really free, like I have the ability to take on any task. It also made me realize how important it is to keep cleaning my room every so often, so I can do a bunch of mini room cleans instead of one giant one.
After doing this project, it made me realize how much healthier and happier my mind feels when I'm organized. It made me realize that the place you live in really affects your mind, and that is why it is so important to keep a clean and organized room, so your mind can be free and organized too. This also made me realize that I can control how my mind feels, and that I should make every effort to make my mind feel the best and freest.
After doing this project, it made me realize that more comes from a clean room than a place for all your posessions. There is a whole mental health aspect involved in organizing. There is a philosophical aspect involved in a clean room. For with a clean room, one can achieve successful things and be able to live life to a higher degree.
It also made me aware that a clean room has more rewards and benefits than having a path to your bed. I really like when things have order and are clean, and overall it made me realize that I have control over the cleanness of my room; I know now how beneficial a clean room is for me, so I am going to make sure my room stays clean.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Carry it Forward: Sophie's World

While reading Sophie's World, many intriguing ideas have been presented by numerous philosophers. However, the idea of reason is one that I find extremely interesting and important. We talked a little bit about it in class, and I think it pertains to everyone's life. Descartes presented the idea that "only reason can give us certainty (234)." He presented the idea that you should base your decisions and choices off of reason, logic, and common sense.
I find reason very valuable in any decision or choice you have to make. Without reason, making a choice is like a blind person trying to pick their favorite color. I think reason has value and weight in my life every day. For I have yet to go a day when I haven't made a choice and haven't used reason to help me make that choice.
I use reason to decide logically if I should go out with my friends and have fun or do an english assignment. I use reason in making even more important decisions like should I wear a seat belt when driving. This is a question I face every day, and it is with my reason that I decide, yes.
It is also my reason that has shaped my religious views. I'm an atheist because I don't understand how it logically could be possible that there is God or someone controlling us. When I used my reason to decide if there was a higher power, I came to the conclusion there wasn't.
In class we talked about how reason can help you make the decision of taking part in drugs and alcohol. Luckily, my reason and logic has helped me decide that I do not want to.
I see myself using reason in making a very important decision, which college I will attend next year. I also see myself using reason to decide my career path, my political views, and my friends.
I really value reason because it helps shape my opinions, beliefs, and character. I will continue to use reason in my decision making from everything from what I will eat for lunch, to where I will live when I'm older.In fact, a lot of the time I feel I take reason for granted because I unconsciously use it. Reflecting on reason, I realize I use it in every decision I make. I am very plased that I use reason and logic in making decisions that are shaping my life.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Blogging Around:

Angela P. did her blog on the discussion of smoking and addiction. Angela,
I really enjoyed that discussion the other day in class too, and I think what I enjoyed the most about it is how people were so honest. You being a very delightful example. I would like to take a moment to say CONGRATULATIONS for stopping. I think it was a really mature decision that takes a lot of strength and confidence to do. I really respect you and am very happy that you stopped, for now you have more years to live.
Also during this discussion though, I was trying to think of a time when addiction is a good thing. The only thing I came up with is addiction to success, but this too can be a bad thing, causing you to do things you normally wouldn't.
Thank you for sharing your personal experiences in class. I really enjoyed listening to it, and I gained a deeper sense of who you are- a strong, moraled person.

Joe A did his blog on Benn Glenn, who shows how he can overcome his ADHD by being such a phenomenal artist and speaker.
Wow! I just watched that video, and I could only dream of drawing what he did in ten minutes!
I really admire Ben Glenn, not only for his artistic talents, but because of what you said. How he has overcome his ADHD to be an artist and an inspirational speaker. How he has overcome a sad childhood.
I think people like Ben Glenn is what the world needs more of. People who can overcome bad with good. People who can take a bad experience and fuel their success.
I really admire how this man speaks about his experiences too, so he can help others. He is truly a remarkable human being.
Thank you for sharing him with me.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Connection: Two Stories in One

When one opens a book, they expect to read one story. One story on war. One story on love. One story on history. One story on philosophy.
A story on philosophy is exactly what the novel Sophie's World is about. Philosophy. The history of philosophy. The beliefs of philosophy. The greatest philosphers. However, Sophie's World is not one story; it is two.
In this novel there is one story going on that tells of the history of philosophy, what philosophy is, the greatest philosophers, and how to be a philosphical person. In addition, there is another story going on about a young girl named Sophie. Sophie is receiving these letters, which is how the story about Sophie is connected to the story of philosophy.
This isn't the only novel we've read that has portrayed two stories in one. In fact, the novel Shadow Catcher also did this. There was one story going on about Curtis and Edward, which would compare to the story going on about the history and definition of philosophy. On the other hand, there was this story going on about Marianne Wiggins, and this would compare to the story about Sophie.
An outside connection that I made about telling two stories in one is the movie The Godfather II. In this production, they tell the history of the Godfather, and they also tell a present story. However, they tie these two stories together because eventually Michael, the Godfather's son, goes back to where the Godfather grew up and killed the mophia person that killed everyone in the Godfather's family. This connects to Sophie's World because it has a story about Sophie living in the present, and it also has a story about the history of philosophy. They are both tied toghether, just how these two stories are tied together in The Godfather.
This idea of having telling two stories in one is connected to my life, and it matters to me. I feel like I am two people in one. I am constantly part of two different stories. I feel like I'm living two different lives.
One life is me as the Glenbrook South student, who dresses in simple cothing, plays trombone, and participates in model united nations.
My other life is me as an adventurist, who canoes, backpacks, wears bohemian style clothing, plays country music on guitar, and has a motive to make a difference somewhere in the world.
It is as if I have two different stories, just as the Shadow Catcher and Sophie's World do, but these two stories intertwine. They feed off of each other, just as these two stories did in Shadow Catcher. Events, objects, people, and places connect these two different stories, and for me they connect the two different lives I feel I live.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Best of Week: Born into Brothels

Children being born into prostitution. Children being exposed to alcohol, drugs, and abuse. Children having the opportunity to have a camera. These were among things that Born into Brothels portrayed in such an artistic and beautiful way.
The idea of taking images of drug addicts, prostitutes, and people living in poverty, and showing this to the world in an artistic and beautiful way is really something incredible. It is so much more powerful when something sad and depressing is conveyed through art, like Born into the Brothels did. It showed people who are born into being a prostitute.
What I observed to be the most meaningful this week though is how there is always a way to help and make a difference in the world. In this film, these two people gave children cameras and made an attempt to educate them. They brought them happiness, and they made a meaningful mark on these childrens' lives. I think the best idea is educating and helping others who aren't born with all the opportunities we are.
When I think about how these two people made a difference in these childrens' lives in the Red Light District, it makes me think about how I can make a difference in the world.
I would like to be a teacher that travels the world to impoverished areas to help educate the children. Education really is the core to helping to eliminate poverty. So after watching Born into Brothels, it increased my desire to travel around the world and help educate children and increase the quality of their lives.
What the two people did in Born into Brothels is something I have always inspired to do. Go to a different place and make a difference. I believe from the bottom of my heart that education is a gift, and that everyone should have the opportunity to receive it. I also believe that being born into poverty and prostitution and not having an opportunity to get out of it is heart wrenching. I would like to do something like these two people did in some way, shape, or form. I believe that with knowledge and skills, some of these children can get out of the depressing world they are living in, and I inspire to be one of the people that helps them.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Metacognition: QE Essay

At the beginning of the QE essay, I was very excited to write it. I liked the topic I chose, the connection between education and creativity, and I really enjoyed looking at the topic with such depth.

However, after getting my grades back on the first and second part, I started to feel frustrated that my writing wasn't where I wanted it to be. In fact, there was one point where I was so frustrated, that I felt this essay wasn't challenging me anymore. I felt this essay moved from my range of enjoyable challenge into the annoyance range.

I was almost mad that I had to write this QE essay at. Mad that I had to be educated! Such a terrible thing to say though, for when I made myself stop and take a step back to think. I realized only one thing, how contradicting I was being! Here I am writing an essay on how education brings creativity and imagination, and I don't even want to write this essay to help educate myself! Ever since that moment, I really started to work hard on the essay and looked at it with a well lit candle, and the joy I had writing the essay in the beginning came back to me.

Something that surprised me about my brain is that I can think so durastically different. One moment I love the essay, the next moment I don't like it. Where it doesn't matter if I like or don't like it because either way I am going to be writing it. As a result, I should just keep a positive light the whole time because it would make writing this essay, or any essay, a lot easier and enjoyable.

I like that my thinking stops to think about my thinking. Meaning that I'm always analyzing how I think and looking for ways to improve. I also like that when I am frustrated or not exactly liking how I am thinking, my thinking stops to think. I take a step back to analyze and regroup my mind, so I can be more successful.

With that being said, I would like to work on contradicting myself. I feel I am constantly contradicting myself. One day I may say something, but the next day I may say the complete opposite, completely contradicting what I said the previous day because of an experience I had. Therefore, I would like to work on not contradicting myself by questioning every belief, idea, opinion, or thought that I have.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Katie and Matt: Blogging Around

Katie Taylor's blogg was the first one I commented on. She talked about how the Alda essay and Feynman are similar to her grandpa, and how her grandpa and Feynman are both very knowledgeable and help to spread their knowledge to others.
You are a wonderful writer! I really enjoyed your blogg entry, and when I was reading this it really connected me to my grandpa. Just how your grandpa had a very successful career as a nuclear physicist, my grandpa had a very successful career as a musician, and he know helps and teaches me with music. I thought it was really fascinating that your grandpa was able to help you with your physics, just like my grandpa helps me with my music. I know it brings my grandpa joy, just as it brings your grandpa joy:) What fascinates me the most is how your grandpa, my grandpa, and Feynman are all so similar in the way that they are able to explain their forests of knowledge to others. I really liked your blog and enjoyed reading it. Keep up the great work! You're awesome:)

Matt S was the next person's blogg I commented on. Matt talked about his train of thought when writing a blogg entry.
You are a very intelligent person, and I really like the way you think. In fact, I have the same problem when I go to write a blog entry, where I start over and over and over. However, I don't have the problem with screen monitors, but I do find it humorous. I also agree with your statement that people work and write for grades. In fact, I think that is the problem with our academic system. We shouldn't have grades but written reports instead. Therefore, people would work and write because they want to learn, not for the grade. You brought up lots of interesting and funny ideas. Keep up the good work!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Metacognition: Consumer Project

A couple of weeks ago, I did a project in consumer of expressing what makes us happy. Each person was suppose to make a collage of pictures representing our happiness, and then write in an essay if money can buy happiness.
This sounds like a simple task, but suprisingly it requires lots of steps regarding thinking.
At first, I thought this would be easy. I knew my stance, that money can't buy happiness under any, yes any circumstance. The more I thought about this though, I realized that in certain situations it really can. For example, the people in Gaza living with barely any food facing starvation, dehydration, and being crammed with nine other family members into a one bedroom living area like sardines. If this family of ten received money to buy food, water, and shelter, then it really could bring happiness. Also, if you look at the people suffering from diseases and sicknesses, living every single second in heart wrentching pain, I believe medicine, which money buys can bring happiness to them.Therefore, after lots of thinking, I came to the conclusion that money can't buy happiness once your basic needs are taken care of.
My thought process for the collage went a little differently. At first, I had no idea what pictures I was going to include. Then I decided to put in what really brings a smile to my face, this is my friends, family, nature, and music. Therefore, I printed out pictures of images that represent all of these things and placed them on this collage. Lastly, I put a couple important quotes about happiness because reading quotes really makes me happy.
I realized my thought process lead me to build from one idea to another. First I decided to make a collage, then I added pictures of what I liked, then I added quotes, and at the end I added smiley faces all around to represent happiness in itself. I also realized that when I first form a thought, I also form a belief; then I question my belief to see if this is true and what I really believe in. In this case I realized that it isn't. Money really can buy happiness when people lack the basic necessities and health, but once those are achieved money can't buy happiness.
It surprises me that my thinking is like a cause and effect chart, like the ones I've learned about in school for so many years. One idea or thought causing the next. I have always been an over analyzer and thinker, but I have never really taken the time to think about how I think. By taking this time to think about how I went from one idea to the next on my consumer project really makes me realize that really good ideas stem from the small, simple ones; a big, strong plant starts out as a seed and then grows to the beautiful product. Plants represent my thinking in this way.
I like that I start with simple ideas and make them fancy. I also like the fact that I can see what leads me to believe or think what I do, how one things leads me to another. However, I believe that in order for me to become more creative, I should start thinking outside of the box more. Take a different approach to having a flower instead of planting it. Maybe next time I will go to the forest and find one instead. In order for my thinking to grow, the next time I do a project I am going to approach it from the opposite side I normally do.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Best of Week

Every Tuesday and Thursday I find myself saying comforting words to this tuba player in band. He marches by me for part of the show, and I constantly see him frustrated and annoyed. I have always told teachers and such to help him because he doesn't remember his sets, and there is nothing more I can do. I never really understood why he was like this though, until one day I asked my teacher if he was ok. My teacher replied, "Yes, he just has autism."
This week we watched a video and had a discussion about Temple Grandin, and how she was able to use autism as a means to help her. As a result of her autism, she is able to visualize and see things in ways the normal brain cannot, and she ended up inventing and making huge strides in the caddle industry.
After hearing how successful Temple Grandin was, it really opened my eyes to how I view people with autism. It really made me think about how fortunate people with autism actually are, and how society perceives people with autism to be the exact opposite. It also made me realize that people with autism are actually more intelligent than "normal" people, but yet most people don't see them as that.
This connects to my own knowledge and beliefs because before I felt sorry for people with autism, but now I admire people with autism. They have abilities I could only dream of having. The ability to see and envision so many wonderful things. They have the ability to invent, to create, to change the way we live.
Now that I know how intelligent and wonderful people with autism's brains really are, I see myself using that knowledge in a number of ways. First, when anyone ever says anything implying that people with autism are not very intelligent, I will explain to them that in fact their brains are more intelligent than ours, jsut in a different way! Second, I want to tell the people I know with autism that they have a gift that they should use! I want to encourage people with autism to not get discouraged by our society, but instead to prove our society wrong.
What touched me the most is that 90% of the things we use today were invented by people with autism. It is the people with autism that are the geniuses, the inventors, and the people who make our lives easier.People should be praising, embracing, and treating people with autism with more dignity and respect, and I hope one day our society will.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

It Matters

I have been introduced to lots of intriguing ideas and concepts so far this year, but the one that stands out to me as the most useful is creativity. Creativity is a wonderous thing that allows the mind to travel and show the world the scenery wherever it may be. It takes a unique individual to be creative and express and use their creativity in the real world. It is one thing to be able to draw a creative picture, but it is another thing to be able to use your creativity to invent a product or better yet, a solution to an ongoing problem.
Some problems are easy to find solutions for, if you are cold you put a jacket on. However, others aren't this simple and the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is amongst one of them. This problem has been going on for sixty years now, and creativity is definitely involved. It is an ongoing race to see who, the Israelis or Palestinians, is more creative in planning or discovering another way to harm the other side. Anything, including creativity can be used in a negative light, like the Israelis and Palestinians are doing now, but anything can also be used in a positive light.
At this very moment, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, George Mitchell, President Mahmoud Abbas, and Prime Minister Netanyahu are having peace talks in Egypt. Peace is something a lot of people talk about, but very few achieve. However, I believe that with creativity, solutions are possible to just about anything. Creativity brings a beautiful and unique light to everything. It shows you that there are multiple roads that can take you to the same destination or goal, maybe even a better one. If Clinton, Mitchell, Abbas, and Netanyahu could use the creativity in their minds, change really could occur. Creativity matters in everything in life. Creativity is like the frosting on cake, making any idea that much tastier. Creativity is definitely a huge part in finding a solution to a problem so complex that has deeply rooted emotional scars and pain in millions of people, down to the bottom of their hearts. Creativity is necessary for a solution because it is up to these powerful leaders to be creative and think of a solution that appeals to not just the Israelis, or Palestinians, but both.
In solving a problem as complex as this, every bit of knowledge and skill helps, but without creativity a solution will not be found. This isn't just a problem for Palestinians and Israelis. This is their life, what they live every waking hour! Every one of them has a heart breaking story, or at the very least knows someone who does. The pain these people are feeling reaches every bone in their body, and it reaches mine too. With all my heart, I hope that creativity can take change in what will stop the rockets from flying over their houses, the guns shooting their family and friends, the homes being destroyed, and the tears falling from their faces, and the hearts being broken.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Change of Mind: Creative Designers

While watching a movie on creative designers today, I saw something I really admired. I thought it was really neat that these professional, highly educated designers are analyzing themselves in a way that they know exactly what their strengths and weaknesses are. While working as a team to redesign a grocery cart, these designers analyzed themselves very constructively, admitting that they are very talented engineers and designers, but that they know absolutely nothing about grocery carts. I thought it was fascinating that they were able to realize what their weaknesses are and act upon them turning them into their strengths. They immediately went to multiple grocery stores searching for information. It was as if they were dry sponges becoming soaked with knowledge about grocery carts.
Before I watched this video, I never thought about going out of my way to gather as much information about the subject I know the least. I have analyzed myself more times than I can count, but I have never made it a priority or effort to make my weaknesses my strengths. After seeing how intelligent professionals like the designers can, and do take the subjects they know the least and make them their strengths everyday, it changed my mind. From this point forth, I am going to analyze myself and my knowledge and then make an effort to go out and ask what I don't know. I am going to turn my weaknesses into strengths, just like the designers do everyday. After watching the film, I believe that the only way to increase your intelligence is to learn, ask questions, and turn weaknesses into strengths. Hopefully, one day my strengths will be my weaknesses, for my weaknesses will one day be stronger than my strengths are today. In fact Albert Einstein, an inventor just like the people in this video once said, "Information is knowledge."