Sunday, October 24, 2010

Best of Week: Born into Brothels

Children being born into prostitution. Children being exposed to alcohol, drugs, and abuse. Children having the opportunity to have a camera. These were among things that Born into Brothels portrayed in such an artistic and beautiful way.
The idea of taking images of drug addicts, prostitutes, and people living in poverty, and showing this to the world in an artistic and beautiful way is really something incredible. It is so much more powerful when something sad and depressing is conveyed through art, like Born into the Brothels did. It showed people who are born into being a prostitute.
What I observed to be the most meaningful this week though is how there is always a way to help and make a difference in the world. In this film, these two people gave children cameras and made an attempt to educate them. They brought them happiness, and they made a meaningful mark on these childrens' lives. I think the best idea is educating and helping others who aren't born with all the opportunities we are.
When I think about how these two people made a difference in these childrens' lives in the Red Light District, it makes me think about how I can make a difference in the world.
I would like to be a teacher that travels the world to impoverished areas to help educate the children. Education really is the core to helping to eliminate poverty. So after watching Born into Brothels, it increased my desire to travel around the world and help educate children and increase the quality of their lives.
What the two people did in Born into Brothels is something I have always inspired to do. Go to a different place and make a difference. I believe from the bottom of my heart that education is a gift, and that everyone should have the opportunity to receive it. I also believe that being born into poverty and prostitution and not having an opportunity to get out of it is heart wrenching. I would like to do something like these two people did in some way, shape, or form. I believe that with knowledge and skills, some of these children can get out of the depressing world they are living in, and I inspire to be one of the people that helps them.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Metacognition: QE Essay

At the beginning of the QE essay, I was very excited to write it. I liked the topic I chose, the connection between education and creativity, and I really enjoyed looking at the topic with such depth.

However, after getting my grades back on the first and second part, I started to feel frustrated that my writing wasn't where I wanted it to be. In fact, there was one point where I was so frustrated, that I felt this essay wasn't challenging me anymore. I felt this essay moved from my range of enjoyable challenge into the annoyance range.

I was almost mad that I had to write this QE essay at. Mad that I had to be educated! Such a terrible thing to say though, for when I made myself stop and take a step back to think. I realized only one thing, how contradicting I was being! Here I am writing an essay on how education brings creativity and imagination, and I don't even want to write this essay to help educate myself! Ever since that moment, I really started to work hard on the essay and looked at it with a well lit candle, and the joy I had writing the essay in the beginning came back to me.

Something that surprised me about my brain is that I can think so durastically different. One moment I love the essay, the next moment I don't like it. Where it doesn't matter if I like or don't like it because either way I am going to be writing it. As a result, I should just keep a positive light the whole time because it would make writing this essay, or any essay, a lot easier and enjoyable.

I like that my thinking stops to think about my thinking. Meaning that I'm always analyzing how I think and looking for ways to improve. I also like that when I am frustrated or not exactly liking how I am thinking, my thinking stops to think. I take a step back to analyze and regroup my mind, so I can be more successful.

With that being said, I would like to work on contradicting myself. I feel I am constantly contradicting myself. One day I may say something, but the next day I may say the complete opposite, completely contradicting what I said the previous day because of an experience I had. Therefore, I would like to work on not contradicting myself by questioning every belief, idea, opinion, or thought that I have.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Katie and Matt: Blogging Around

Katie Taylor's blogg was the first one I commented on. She talked about how the Alda essay and Feynman are similar to her grandpa, and how her grandpa and Feynman are both very knowledgeable and help to spread their knowledge to others.
You are a wonderful writer! I really enjoyed your blogg entry, and when I was reading this it really connected me to my grandpa. Just how your grandpa had a very successful career as a nuclear physicist, my grandpa had a very successful career as a musician, and he know helps and teaches me with music. I thought it was really fascinating that your grandpa was able to help you with your physics, just like my grandpa helps me with my music. I know it brings my grandpa joy, just as it brings your grandpa joy:) What fascinates me the most is how your grandpa, my grandpa, and Feynman are all so similar in the way that they are able to explain their forests of knowledge to others. I really liked your blog and enjoyed reading it. Keep up the great work! You're awesome:)

Matt S was the next person's blogg I commented on. Matt talked about his train of thought when writing a blogg entry.
You are a very intelligent person, and I really like the way you think. In fact, I have the same problem when I go to write a blog entry, where I start over and over and over. However, I don't have the problem with screen monitors, but I do find it humorous. I also agree with your statement that people work and write for grades. In fact, I think that is the problem with our academic system. We shouldn't have grades but written reports instead. Therefore, people would work and write because they want to learn, not for the grade. You brought up lots of interesting and funny ideas. Keep up the good work!