Monday, May 2, 2011

Best of Week: Waste Free Restaurant

I believe that the best idea brought up in class this week was by Addy during her TED presentation. She talked about a man who has a waste free restaurant. He filters his own water, has a garden on top of his restaurant where waste decomposes, and he doesn't need any garbage trucks stopping by his restaurant.

He has a waste free restaurant, and I feel especially in this day and age it is extremely to come across anything waste free. I think it is a brilliant idea and even more spectacular to see and hear that he is able to put it in action.

During Addy's presentation, I realized that my family has a garbage disposal, when we could start a our own composting pile in the back yard. The more I thought about this idea, the more eager I became to put this idea into action. I actually proposed it to my parents at dinner the other night, and they said they would ponder starting our own compost pile.

This presentation not only makes me think about what my house would be like garbage disposal free, but it also made me think more importantly what this world would be like if everyone was waste free and took the time and energy to decompose their own wastes at home, the natural way.

I started day dreaming about this idea. The world would be so clean, so energy efficient. I feel that if garbage trucks were eliminated and everyone took responsiblity and care for their waste, people would realize the impact they are having on the environment, and they would also waste less. I hope that in fifty or a hundred years from now everyone is following in his footsteps and is waste free!

I've always believed that living the most natural and not artificial life is the best. I also believe in sustainability and taking responsibility for your own actions. What this man has done by eliminating wastes at his restaurant and taking responsibility of the wastes his restaurant produces has lead to a more sustainable life not only for him but for the environment as well.

I hope that my parents decide to let our family start a compost pile in the backyard, and when I'm older and have my own home I will make it a goal and priority to be waste free. I see myself research how to be waste free and then implementing those tips into my home and life and sharing them with others.

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