Sunday, March 6, 2011

Capturing Thought: Why we live

Earlier this week, our class had a discussion about the meaning of life. I felt like I had a "now I get it" moment when Mr. Allen explained how he lived for the meaningful moments that literature and art bring him.

I realized that he was right. Life would be dull, boring and meaningless if it weren't for those momnts of meaning. I also realized that different people find these meaningful moments in different ways.

I then began to think of why evryone lived. I pondered the idea of living a life without meaning. Do people really do that? I think that people do, but it is by choice. They decide to reject meaning that they could find from a variety of things, and they must feel very sad and empty inside, not having anyhing to live for. It made me sad to think of someone else feeling sad; someone else living for nothing, when there is so much to be living for.

I went on to think about how lots of people are living for the wrong things- cars, phones, houses, and any other innanimate objects. I think it is so sellfish and weird how people go crazy over getting cell phones, cars, and computers because I think there is so much more to live for in life. I mean, millions of people in this world don't own them, but yet they may be happier than the people that do. Therefore, that means that poor people find meaning in their lives too, and the meaning they find may be even more meaningful than the meaning wealthy people find.

Despite the fact that poor and rich people have different ways to find meaning, they both find meaning. Well at least, I hope they do. For a life without meaning isn't a life; without meaning, one isn't living.

By having this discussion in class, it made me realize and appreciate the little and big things in my life that give me meaning. I'm so grateful for the meaning in my life because it is what has, is, and will continue to make my life so wonderful.


  1. I really enjoyed reading your blog on why we live. I definitely agree on the part where you said how people go crazy over getting cell phones, cars and computers is selfish of them. That there is more meaning to living that just that. And also the fact that poor people don't have such objects but they still manage to find their own meaning and happiness in their lives.

  2. I think that you made some great points in this blog. You were right about how people find pleasure or meaning in such different ways. I began to think about this too and somehow personality was a big factor in looking at all the different ways people find pleasure. I think that personalities have an effect in this just like you mentioned social class. People who are bubbly and upbeat might find meaning in nature because they appreciate the things around them; however, people who are emotional and more serious might find meaning in deep poetry or writing. I think that you explored your aspect of difference very well.

  3. Kara,
    You are so right on! There is so much more to life than stupid electronics and things like that. However, I dont feel that we are selfish for having them or wanting them. I mean, I dont think what was your main point, but I definately need my phone and computer, for communication, safety and homework of course. But I'm sure I dont obsess over them or base my life off them. Family, friends and love are so much more important and that is what we need to focus on and cherish.

  4. agreed there's gotta more to life then chasing around every temporary high. ~joseph
